Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 7

On Saturday the campers started out by learning how to purify water samples taken from local rivers and ponds. We also searched for micro-organisms in the water. This was followed by learning about light and color and how astronomers use them to identify and analyze celestial objects. This was followed by a lesson in learning how to estimate large numbers by sampling small sub-sections of a dataset. Finally, we prepared for our camping trip on Mt. Jelm by reviewing first aid, camping etiquette, rope tying, and tent set-up. The camping trip included hot dogs and general campfire fun such as smores, jokes, skits, and ghost stories. We also used our big telescope on Mt. Jelm and took spectra of the stellar systems the campers previously selected as targets for potential colonization.

Purifying water

Analyzing our soil samples

Creating color images of celestial objects

The campsite


Taking spectra of our stars at the big 'scope on Mt. Jelm

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